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Ae 201 ab
Advanced Fluid Mechanics
9 units (3-0-6)  | first, second terms
Prerequisites: Ae/APh/CE/ME 101abc, or equivalent; Ae/ME 118, or equivalent; ACM/IDS 101 (may be taken concurrently).
Extensions on the foundations of the mechanics of fluids. Basic concepts will be emphasized; transition from incompressible and potential flow to weakly compressible flow; acoustics and sound generation; transonic flow; fully compressible flow; flow past bodies and shock waves; small-Mach number expansion; Navier-Stokes shock structure; elements of the kinetic theory of gases; Lagrangian form of equations of motion; velocity-gradient tensor and vorticity; vortex dynamics; exact solutions; incompressible potential flow; free-streamline flows; scalar mixing.
Instructors: Dimotakis, Pullin