Solid mechanics activities at GALCIT concentrate on the study of the basic principles governing the deformation and failure (strain localization and fracture) of a wide variety of solid materials and structures. Current research interests span a multitude of length and time scales ranging from sub-μm to Km and from nano-seconds to years and involves unique combinations of Experimental, Theoretical and Numerical methodologies. Examples of active research projects include studies in high strain rate behavior and adiabatic localization of metals, ceramics, geo-materials, polymers , soft solids and bio- materials and systems ; the mechanics of cell motility; the dynamics of impact; dynamic fracture of bi- materials and composites; dynamic frictional rupture of interfaces and their relations to earthquake source physics; the dynamics of tsunami-genesis ; the mechanics of hydraulic fracturing ; fluid induced seismicity; hypervelocity impact in space; failure of micro-electronic and onto-electronic components; viscoelasticity of polymer films; thermo-mechanical characterization of fiber composites; time- dependent shear instabilities, damage accumulation and rupture of fiber composite laminates.
Faculty: Sergio Pellegrino, Guruswami (Ravi) Ravichandran, Ares J. Rosakis