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Ae/AM/CE/ME/Ge 265 ab
Static and Dynamic Failure of Brittle Solids and Interfaces, from the Micro to the Mega
9 units (3-0-6)  | second term
Prerequisites: Ae/AM/CE/ME 102 abc (concurrently) or equivalent and/or instructor's permission.

Linear elastic fracture mechanics of homogeneous brittle solids (e.g. geo-materials, ceramics, metallic glasses); small scale yielding concepts; experimental methods in fracture, fracture of bi-material interfaces with applications to composites as well as bonded and layered engineering and geological structures; thin-film and micro-electronic components and systems; dynamic fracture mechanics of homogeneous engineering materials; dynamic shear dominated failure of coherent and incoherent interfaces at all length scales; dynamic rupture of frictional interfaces with application to earthquake source mechanics; allowable rupture speeds regimes and connections to earthquake seismology and the generation of Tsunamis. Not offered 2024-25